Sunday, January 3, 2010

Controversial Acronyms for Pop Groups - Satanic Backmasking & Worship

In the 80s, there were a lot of controversies on Satanic Backmasking of pop songs & even on the acronyms of the pop groups.

I wasn't a Christian then but was somewhat very curious about the whole hoo-ha thingy of christian groups protesting against satanic cults & pop groups...

Actually a number of those alleged pop groups were my favourites even though I wasn't much of a music fan. Below are some disturbing (scary to some) acronyms found on the internet:

1)     Pet Shop Boys - Pray Eternally To Satan, He Offers Peace, But Owns Your Soul.
2)     KISS - Knights in Satan's Service
3)     W.A.S.P - We Are Sex Perversts
4)     Beastie Boys - Boy Entering Anarchistic States Towards Internal Excellence
5)         AC/DC - Anti-Christ Devil's Children. It's also a slang for Bi-sexual

Backmasking is a recording technique in which a sound or message is recorded backward onto a track that is meant to be played forward. Backmasking is a deliberate process, whereas a message found through phonetic reversal may be unintentional.


  1. It is true for sure in my humble opinion. I was very harmed by listening this pop music back in the 80's. And even I developed a mental disease and hate towards my close parents and friends without a reason

  2. Thru going to the disco the weekends I developed violent, unresponsible behaviour towards my beloved ones. Together with pornography magazines sold to children in 1980 in Barcelona, SPAIN, did a tremendous harm to my tender brain. And all that came with democracy since 1976 in Spain. Who does think democracy in this case is good ???


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